Feliway - Friends Diffuser + Refill 48ml

Are your cats fighting, or is there tension between cats in your household? Feliway Friends Diffuser is vet recommended, drug free, and clinically proven to reduce tension and fighting among cats in the home. Signs of tension could include chasing, blocking, staring, fighting, or hissing among cats. By mimicking the natural feline appeasing messages (pheromones), Feliway Friends sends “harmony messages” to help your cats get along more effectively, and avoid tension, conflict and fighting in the home. Most cat owners see a 70% reduction in conflict in 3 weeks. The Feliway Friends Starter Kit includes one diffuser head, and one refill vial. You should plug your diffuser in the room(s) where your cat spends the most time, and make sure it isn't covered by curtains, or behind furniture. Each diffuser covers up to 700 sq. feet, and each refill can last up to 30 days. For maximum effectiveness, you should replace refills every 4 weeks, and your diffuser every 6 months. Make sure to follow the instructions when plugging in your diffuser, and plug the diffuser in upright.
How does it work?
After the mother cat gives birth, she sends “harmony messages” to her kittens. These messages (scientifically called pheromones), released in the mammary zone, are naturally appeasing and and ensure harmony between her kittens.
FELIWAY Friends sends “harmony messages” to cats and helps restore harmony between cats living together.
Using feline natural appeasing messages, FELIWAY Friends helps your cats live in harmony and avoids tensions, conflicts and fighting.
- Helps your cats get along better at home. When used continuously it helps to maintain constant harmony
- Clinically proven and veterinary recommended
- Each diffuser refill covers an area up to 70 m2
- Safe and non-anaesthetic
Product specifications
- Article number
- 7108
- 3411112251483
- Afmetingen
- 16 x 12 x 7